• e-Kormoran introduces itself!

    1. I am a solution at the heart of the LMS Moodle platform - a remote learning environment available in web browsers. 
    2. I make it possible to create and administer e-courses and manage the remote learning process. 
    3. For example, I allow you to create participant profiles, facilitate the analysis of training progress, manage learning materials, and enable administration and reporting. Take a peek at the LMS Moodle community website to learn more: https://moodle.org/
    4. I provide effective use of all LMS Moodle functionalities and more...
    5. In addition, I include functionality called "e-Backpack". It is in line with the recommendations of the ministers of employment and social affairs of the Council of the European Union to respond to the training needs of citizens and thus increase the percentage of people who participate in training each year. Indeed, the Council recommended that member states consider establishing Individual Training Accounts (IRS) to allow citizens to participate in training relevant to the labor market, thereby facilitating access to or retention in employment. It also recommended that an appropriate supporting framework be established if member states decide to introduce such accounts. For more information, see the e-Backpack tab.

    Accessing and passing the course - step by step

    To access the course, an order must be placed at www.bezpiecznie.expert. Once the payment is credited, the account is created automatically, and at the same time, access to the paid course is obtained. Upon completion, the participant is given the opportunity to generate a certificate of completion with a QR code (sample below) and a digital badge - the documents can be "pinned" to the e-Backpack resources. More extensively - e-Backpack tab

    Attention - it is possible to order several courses at the same time.


    Technical support (Helpdesk)

    In case of problems, contact the e-Kormoran administrator - admin@bezpiecznie.expert