The launch of the "e-Backpack" program comes in the wake of the adoption on June 16, 2022, by the ministers of employment and social affairs of the Council of the European Union, of a recommendation to address the training needs of citizens and thereby increase the percentage of people who participate in training each year. Indeed, the Council recommended that member states consider establishing individual learning accounts (ILA) to allow citizens to participate in training relevant to the labor market, thereby facilitating access to or retention in employment. It also recommended, should member states decide to introduce such accounts, that an appropriate supporting framework is created. 

As the substance implies - individual learning accounts would provide people of working age with a training budget to improve skills and employability throughout their lives, regardless of a person's labor market status. As the recommendations make clear, widespread information and awareness-raising activities and campaigns are key to significantly improving the rates at which adults take advantage of learning opportunities, particularly among groups with low awareness of upskilling and re-training opportunities, such as those furthest from the labor market. 

The effectiveness of such awareness-raising information activities can be improved through cooperation between public authorities, social partners, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders, based on a shared understanding that upskilling and retraining are a type of investment. Paying attention to accessibility should make participation easier for adults with disabilities. In the resource created on the Polish Association for Security's educational platform, users will be able to accumulate the micro-certifications they have obtained, both regarding completed courses available on the LMS Moodle, as well as on other platforms offered by foreign entities.

To use the e-Backpack, you must go to the "e-Backpack" tile, which is located at the top of the browser window. The following options will appear:

  • Certificates of the Polish Association for Security (with individual QR code) - here you will find certificates for completed courses on LMS Moodle of Polish Associations for Security, they are available for later printing,
  • Digital Badges - here you will find all the badges you have received - if you want to receive a badge you must complete the course.
  • External attestations / Certificates - you can put here certificates from other platforms e.g. Navoica.